Sunday, August 3, 2014

Eureka, Libby!

The night we stayed in Eureka was eventful.  We camped outside in a city park.

Half of us went to dinner at a Chinese food place and just as we sat down, a torrential downpour started.  Lightning flashed and thunder cracked around us.  The lights flickered...once...twice...three times...and they finally went out.  We looked out the windows and the town was dark.  Our waitress put out candles and luckily, they had direct gas fed they cooked our dinner by headlamp and we stayed dry and warm while enjoying delicious food and good company.

As we finished dinner, the rain subsided - just in time to ride our bikes back to camp.

We slept soundly that night in Eureka, preparing to ride to Libby the next morning....

7.24 - Libby, MT - 75

Most people on this trip have some question or questions that they are contemplating along the way.  For the college kids, it is mostly ; What will I do with the rest of my life? For us mid-career folks, the question is.....the same!

I have worked in the corporate world since graduating from college and I have enjoyed it....but I would like to do something a bit more community focused....possibly aligned to collaborative consumption or in the non-profit space.

Being out here for nearly two months has certainly given me perspective and reinforced the idea that I want to switch things up a bit.

 As this question of my future has been weighing on my mind this summer ...I have had a couple of visual reminders of working at DB - one of my fellow riders wore the Deutsche Bank jersey during our adventure and of course, my good luck bell came on handy when passing others on the road....

After lots of though about the future and support from my husband, today I resigned.

Although I have had a great experience with DB and  will miss the people, this decision is the right one for me right now.

I am excited to start the next chapter  of my life - stay tuned!

As we head to Libby today, I would also like to give a shout out to my sister Amanda's very good friend of the same name...and also to my friends Jay and Sony...who have all proven that taking professional risks can certainly multiply personal happiness!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! All I can say is "wow!" I wish you all the best. You are one of the smartest and most talented people I've ever worked with and I am certain that you will be just as amazing any place you go! You have my deepest respect and admiration.
